
Monday, September 19, 2016

Preparing Your Home for Fall

The fall is a wonderful time of year. Football is on all weekend, pumpkin spice fills the air and it can be easy to forget the cold weather that is approaching. As a homeowner, you need to prepare for the seasons to help increase your home's efficiency and dodge those major malfunctions. It doesn't take long, just a few hours on your day off and you can avoid those headaches later on.
Fall Cleaning Tips, Long Island Plumbing, long island plumber, appliance repair Nassau, Nassau Plumbing, plumber Suffolk County, plumbing repair suffolk 
Clean Those Gutters
On the lanes you want to avoid the gutters at all costs. When it comes to fall preparation, you want to get in there and remove fallen leaves and debris. If you don't want to worry about future problems, go to the local hardware store and purchase mesh guards to protect your gutters.

Clean Your Furnace Filter
The heating season is approaching and your furnace needs a little help getting in shape. The first thing you should do is remove the unit's filter and exchange it for a new one. It's like the first day of school, you never want to go in with an old outfit! It might also be wise to have a heating professional come into your home and inspect your system and call out any problems before they become larger.

Winterize Your Plumbing 
In the next few weeks, you're going to want to perform your annual outdoor water shut-off. Winterizing these pipes and irrigation systems will ensure their safety going into next summer. If you neglect this year in and year out, you're just asking for trouble.

Perform Your Seasonal Safety Check 
This is a great time to check in on your CO monitors, inspect fire safety equipment and review your appliances efficiency. Look for leaky faucets, loose plumbing lines and make sure your home is sealed properly. There is no need to waste water or heat when you could be spending money on more valuable things.

The fall can be hectic with back to school, sports, work and all of your families daily activities. It might still feel like summer, but the cold weather is approaching and you know your home needs some plumbing and heating tune-ups if it is going to get you through the season. At Nassau County Plumbing & Sewer Rooter, we can perform both inspections in a timely and professional manner.

To schedule your fall heating and plumbing inspection, call 516-874-7937 or visit us on the web!

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