
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wellness Wednesday: 5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Clean the House

It’s often easy to forget the harmful effects of household cleaning products we use on a regular basis. Choosing more natural products and removing toxic ones goes a long way to ensure you’re breathing fresh, clean air.

Looking for alternative methods? Here’s how you can get started now:

Look under your kitchen sink. Glance over the products you have - eliminate the toxic ones. Place these in a locked storage bin for your community’s next Household Hazardous Pickup Day. Chemical-free products create a safer environment for the whole family.

Replace toxic products. Choose non-toxic substitutes. Look for “Signal Words” on labels - danger, warning, poison, caution - all indications of health concerns and products that you should avoid using in your home. Try alternatives like baking soda or lemon juice. Click here for a list of chemical-free recipes you can try this season.

Recycle cleaning materials. Save money and help the environment! Reusable mops, safer sponges, rags (instead of paper), and HEPA vacuums provide your home with clean air.

Clean indoor air with plants. Plants are an organic way to reduce indoor air pollution in your home - add a lightly lavender antibacterial spray for a lovely, clean scent that disinfects. Not to mention, houseplants add more oxygen too!

Use your senses. Smell, hear, feel - if your nose detects rotten food or dirty pet products, it may be time for a cleaning. Floors feel sticky? Grab a clean rag or mop. Your senses will tell you which household areas need to be attended to.

For more eco-friendly cleaning methods or help installing energy efficient appliances in your home, call NY Plumbing and Sewer Rooter at 718-514-7145! We can help you make a difference.

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