
Friday, November 14, 2014

Deep Clean Your Kitchen!

Tomorrow is Clean Your Kitchen Day and a perfect time to give your kitchen that deep clean it's been hoping for. While you probably wipe down and around your kitchen each and every day, getting into the nooks and crannies of your entire kitchen calls for a checklist.

Use this chilly Saturday to buckle down and make your kitchen sparkle. Turn to this guide below for a little inspiration:

Cupboards and surfaces. Clear out all of your Tupperware, utensils and knickknacks so you have nothing left but empty spaces to attack. Wipe down all interiors with a disinfectant spray - including hard to reach areas like high shelves and extractor fans. Wipe down cabinet exteriors with warm, soapy water unless the material calls for a special cleaner. If handles are particularly greasy, consider removing them and soaking them in a bowl.

Kitchen appliances. The biggest jobs include the oven and the fridge. To clean the oven, first unplug it. Then, remove all shelves and scrub down the inside and the door with an oven cleaner spray. Soak the shelves in the sink in the meantime.

Unplug the fridge before cleaning it, as well. Remove all the contents - chucking food that is moldy or old and placing perishables in a cooler. Remove all shelving and let that soak in the sink too. Thoroughly wipe down walls with a bacterial spray. The fridge is a perfect place for bacteria to build up if not cleaned regularly.

Finishing touches. Now that all of the big projects are complete, refocus your attention to the sink and the floor - two spots that probably got even dirtier in the process. Fill the sink with warm water and bleach or limescale remover. Let it soak for a bit before draining and wiping it down until it's completely clean. Lastly, sweep and or vacuum the floor and fill up a bucket with floor-cleaning solution and a little bit of water. Mop the entire floor and then leave the room and allow everything to dry.

Run into a plumbing problem during your cleaning spree? Call us at NY Plumbing & Sewer Rooter! We've been proudly serving plumbing customers in New York for over 50 years. Visit our website for more information. 

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