
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Bathroom Child Safety Tips

January is National Bath Safety Month! Let’s remind ourselves how important it is to keep our children protected while scrubbing in the tub. Here are a few ways to keep it fun but also play it safe:

Prevent slipping.
Don’t forget, your children don’t have quite the same coordination as you do and can easily lose their balance. That is why it’s so crucial to help them prevent slips as best as possible. The first tip is to place a mat in the tub, as it’s easy to lose balance in the tub. The second tip is to also place a soft rug outside the tub so that they don’t slip on tile as well.

Use the right shampoo.
If you have a baby or a toddler at home, be sure to use tear free shampoo so that the chemicals don’t sting their eyes. And when rinsing, make sure they tip their head back and use your hand to cup over their eyes. 

Check the temperature.
Always test the temperature of your bath water before allowing your child to bathe. If the water is too hot, you increase the risk of scalding. So use your hand, a thermometer, or buy an anti-scald device that attaches to the faucet in your tub.

Stay in the room.
Be present when your child takes a bath and never leave their side, especially if under the age of 4. Accidents can easily happen if they slip or chew on a toy. If you must leave the room to answer the door, telephone, or for other emergency reason, take your child with you, shut off the water, and continue afterwards. 

If you find that the water in your tub isn’t draining properly or your faucet needs repairs, contact New York Plumbing and Sewer Rooter! We are available 24/7 for plumbing needs in the bathroom and all around the house. Give us a call at 516.874.7937 or visit our website to learn more about our services.    

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