
Friday, October 23, 2015

Why You Need Furnace Maintenance Now

We love that the weather in New York is still pleasant. But soon enough (though we don't like to admit it), the cold temperatures will arrive. That is why it’s a perfect time to schedule your routine maintenance appointment to ensure your furnace is ready to go when you need to heat your home.

At New York Plumbing and Sewer Rooter, we offer several heating services to protect your home and family, and repair your furnace when necessary. Without furnace maintenance, here are a few winter hazards you might run into:

1. System breakdown - Without furnace maintenance, your system could stop working all together, leaving you without heat for the winter - something no homeowner wants. 

2. Carbon monoxide - A worn down system can pump out carbon monoxide into your home without you realizing it, which poses a dangerous threat to you and your home.

3. Short furnace lifespan - The more often you neglect furnace maintenance, the more problems you will experience. Like any other home investment, your furnace needs tending to. Otherwise, it might not reach its maximum life expectancy.

4. Higher energy bills - When your furnace is worn down, it needs to work harder to provide your home with heat. And the harder your furnace needs to work, the more fuel you will use, which ultimately means more money spent.

To learn more about how furnace maintenance can save your heating system, click here.

At New York Plumbing and Sewer Rooter, we can help you with all your emergency needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To learn more about our services and more, give us a call at 516.874.7937 or visit our website


  1. These are some of the very useful tips given. A furnace must be maintained overtime. High Efficiency Furnace

  2. The bigger the house the heating problems bigger greater if not controlled with the HVAC system. The article is really on the point.
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