
Monday, June 22, 2015

How to Prevent Sand From Clogging Your Drain

Summer is finally here, which means you’ll probably be spending more time on the south shore beaches of Long Island! After a fun day of laying in the sun and swimming in the ocean, it’s almost impossible to keep those tiny particles of sand from clinging to your skin. And if you’re not careful about keeping those grains away from your house and out of your shower, you’re looking at a potential plumbing problem. Although the sand itself won’t damage your pipes, the blockage it creates certainly will!

As your trusted Long Island plumbing company, we’ve put together the following list of ways you can prevent sand from ruining your pipes:

Newer is better.
Before hopping in the shower with your feet covered in sand, ask yourself this question: how old are your pipes? In newer homes, pipes are typically made of plastic ABS and PVC, which have smooth interiors that are more forgiving of grains you rinse down the drain. However, if your home is older, your pipes are probably made of cast-iron or steel, which can become rough over time and attract all the bad things you wash away. This is especially true for sand, which attaches to the pipe and causes a backup. If your pipes are old, it may be time for an upgrade.

Rinse at the beach.
How many times have you jumped into the car without shaking off the sand? If you don’t clean off most of the dirt you pick up at the beach, you’ll inevitably carry it into your car and into your home. With that being said, take advantage of shower stalls and shake off your legs and feet with a dry towel. This will get rid of those larger patches of sand before you get in the car.

Keep it at the door.
To avoid a shower drain clog at all costs, the best solution is to keep sand out of the house. Before walking in the door, use a broom to brush off the grains that cling to your legs and feet. You can also try rubbing baby powder on your skin to prevent sand from sticking, and if that’s not enough, use the garden hose to wash off the rest. By the time you jump into the shower, your body should be sand-free and so should your drain!

If you find that your shower drain is already backed up, you’ll want to clear out your pipes entirely! Call your local plumber and ask them to help fix the problem with services like sewer jetting.

Nassau County Plumbing & Sewer Rooter offers sewer jetting services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Give us a call at 516.874.7937 or visit our website for more information. And don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook for more tips on how to prevent clogged drains this summer!

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