
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Preventing 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' Plumbing Problems

"Out of Sight, out of mind" is more than just the lyrics to your favorite Kelly Clarkson song, it's also the reason for a good percentage of the plumbing problems in your home. Just because you don't see things like water leaks happening everyday, doesn't mean you shouldn't attend to them.

Nassau County Plumbing and Sewer Rooter, Plumbing Problems

Did you know that home inspectors don't typically inspect for things like radon, lead paint and toxic mold? That means that even if you had your home inspected before purchasing it, there may still be some unwanted contaminants sneaking around. Hiring a specialist can confirm just how healthy, or not healthy your home is.

Next, your windows. Did you know that you should replace your windows every 25 years? If you have windows boarding up your home that are older than this, they're likely not doing a good job at keeping warm air in and cold air out. Installing newer, more efficient windows, can increase your home's comfort as well as its value.

A water heater that's more than 10 years old is probably just as inefficient as your windows. Since a new water heater is not that expensive, it's better to just replace it than continuously repair it.

Lastly, you can probably fill up a swimming pool with the amount of water leaking from your pipes. Though you can't see it happening, hiring a plumber to patch up some of these leaks will conserve a lot of water and help you save on your water bill.

Learn more about silent threats that are present in your home on Home Advisor »

Nassau County Plumbing and Sewer Rooter offers all of the plumbing, sewer and drain services you need to keep your home up and running perfectly. Call us today at 877.713.8136 for emergency services or visit our website for more information. 

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