
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

5 Summer Plumbing Tips!

It's easy to want to jump right in to enjoying your summer. However, to keep yourself sane in the long run, take the time to address some plumbing concerns around your house at the start of the summer. These 5 tips below will allow you to rest easy all summer long, or even save you some money!

Image Courtesy of vectorolie/
1. Think of your washing machine - The kids are home and clothes just get dirtier. Your bound to be doing more laundry than you're used to doing all year long. Check the hoses behind your washer for damage and fix anything that looks like it may need fixing. Having to deal with a leak or burst half way through the summer is never fun. Also, no matter how tempting, avoid overloading your washer. Doing so could lead to problems that will put your washing machine out of commission when you need it most.

2. Keep your water heater temperature low - Turn it down, especially when you go on vacation. In the summer, you don't need your water heater higher than 120 degrees, even when your home!

3. Swimming pool maintenance - Check for leaks in the equipment and tears in the liner when you first open your pool. If found, call a professional at the beginning of the summer to avoid surprises during family barbecues or your favorite summer holidays. Plus, ensuring your pool works properly saves water.

4. Replace shower heads - Just like we do more laundry in the summer, we tend to take more showers too! Consider replacing old shower heads to save water. Water-efficient shower heads can easily be installed, which will also save you money. Also, since so much more water is used in the summertime, check for leaks in general around your home.

5. Be nice to your garbage disposal -  Are there a lot of left over celery sticks on that veggie platter you put out back for your guests? Keep them out of the garbage disposal! Either pack it in the fridge or toss it in the garbage. While big backyard parties lead to hectic cleanups, save yourself a headache and continue to dispose of things the right way.

For emergency plumbing problems all summer long, call us at 877-713-8136.

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